
Monday, October 15, 2007

Management style is top priority

Leadership, communication, reward, recognition and performance management were the lowest-ranked dimensions by employees in the Deloitte Best Company to Work For survey for 2007.
“That was the perspective across the board, and probably in the broader market too,” said David Conradie, principal for Human Capital at Deloitte.
The areas measured in the survey include: job satisfaction, relationships and trust, communication, training and development, rewards, recognition and performance management, human resources policies and procedures, diversity, management style, values and culture, change and transformation, and leadership.
Among all participating companies it was the first time ever that job satisfaction was not ranked as the most important dimension by employees.
It was replaced this year by management style — which focuses on the nature and quality of the relationship between employees and their immediate manager or supervisor.
Job satisfaction was the second-highest ranked dimension followed by relationships and trust. “This is a critical opportunity for employers to improve their performance,” said Conradie.
But good communication is essential for all of these dimensions to be addressed satisfactorily and effectively in the workplace. And while there might be one-on-one communication taking place, broader communication is not, according to employees.
What is the key aspect a company must get right if it wants to excel as an employer of choice?
“When concentrating on the Top Ten ranked Companies, it is significant to note that values and culture emerged as the top-ranked dimension.
This is a trend that has emerged over the past few years and suggests that companies recording positive scores on this dimension typically achieve higher overall rankings in the survey — it is clearly a critical differentiator,” said Conradie.
In terms of tenure, employees with up to three years of work experience were more positive about their work experience, followed by those with more than 10 years’ experience.
In terms of gender, there was no significant difference between males and females,” said Conradie.
From an industry perspective, the highest level of positive work experience was in the consumer business industry. - (The Times, 14 Oct 07)

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